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LATE OCTOBER  Goes back to Big Rapids, MI. for another ass kicking, eletric filled, show at  the " RIVERROCK "

18-20 - .00                  21+  - .00

The new stickers should be in by then.

Pick up 2 for just $1

" DisQuiet "  will also tearing up the stage throughout the night.

Other acts   T . B . A .




LATE OCTOBER  Travels to Grand Rapids, MI. for a night at               "TEN BELLS " There will be two other bands playing with us but are not yet posted but should be by the end of Jan. so cheack back for more info around the 27th of Jan.



That's right, Friday the 13th LATE OCTOBER will head back to Grand Rapids, MI. for another great show at "THE RADIO TAVERN"  With three other Rock/Metal bands to share the stage with, also   T. B. A. around the 27th of Jan.

If ya' haven't got your stickers yet , you better soon or they'll probrably be gone.


Late October  Back at the "RiverRock" Once again, Hope normail faces and some new ones too.

Show starts a 10:00 p.m. like always and will have few other bands along with us (T.B.A.) Cheack back  later for more info